Under new government plans, private landlords will have to make their properties conform to national standards.
Michael Gove, housing secretary, will give more information about the new law. It is designed to ensure that rented properties are safe, warm, and well maintained.
Under the new legislation, it is expected that 800,000 properties will need to be rehabilitated by landlords.
The law will also establish a mandatory register for landlords. Rogue operators will be removed from this list. The law will also give tenants in private rentals a new right of redress for any complaints they have about their homes.
Social housing landlords must maintain their properties in good condition and update them regularly under existing laws. However, there are no rules applicable to the private sector.
Official statistics suggest that 19% of households in England rent their homes from private landlords, which is 4.4 million families.
Estate agents support the idea of a national landlords’ register in order to improve standards. However, they warn that the government must be cautious about how it is used.
If it increases significantly landlord costs, it would be self-destructive as landlords will leave the sector and rents rise. A register must address basic standards for tenants, but it also has to offer incentives to landlords to improve their properties. If we want to ensure that we have enough landlords, we need to provide the rental accommodation young professionals require as they begin their careers.
We already see the repercussions tax changes for landlords on a shortage in supply and rental increases up to 20% in certain places. To enter this sector, we need to have more qualified landlords.
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